Video Earl Nightingale’s The formula to Becoming Rich

Welcome to my Friday YouTube Video of the Week.

Whilst there are a lot of funny videos on YouTube there are also a lot of great videos from people I would happily have paid money to listen to.

Here is recording of a talk by Earl Nightingale.  In this talk, Earl guides you through his formula for becoming rich.

Now this is a long video at around 19 minutes.  Whilst you will get the most benefit out of listening to the whole talk, you will find below the video my summary of Earl’s formula.

Listen to the talk, read my summary and let me know your thoughts

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Here is my Summary of Earl Nightingales Checklist – The formula to becoming rich

  1. Our rewards in life, will always be in exact proportion to our contribution, our service. Or expressed another way, “the money you are paid by the company you work for, will always be a direct ratio to the need for what you do, your ability to do it, and the degree in difficulty involved in replacing you”
  2. Use the Gold Mine between your ears. One idea can make you rich.  A lot of good ideas can move you up in your job.  And the best thing is that ideas are free.
  3. Stop following the follower. Whose drum are you marching too?  Yours or someone else?  You need to think deliberately with purpose.  Think about ideas to improve what you do for a living, ways of increasing your contribution.
  4. You can alter your life by altering your attitude. We become what we think about. So begin to act like the person you most want to become.

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To help you improve the health of your wealth and increase your bank balance, I want to give you a FREE extract of my book.

This FREE extract contains the complete version of Chapter 1 of the book and an overview of the rest of the book showing you some of the most important things you can do to improve the health of your wealth and increase your bank balance TODAY.

Do you and your family a favour and start taking steps so you can avoid the poverty trap.

Wayne Wanders

The Wealth Navigator

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