Avoid the Poverty Trap
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About the Book “Avoid the Poverty Trap”

“I’ve just finished this book and I have to say that there is some very confronting information here. The kind of knowledge you wish you were taught at school. Luckily, Wayne doesn’t just show you the problems in your way, he provides actionable answers too. Read it as soon as you can.”

Brett McFall

Internet marketing expert and best-selling author of “How To Make Money While You Sleep”

Wayne Wanders, The Wealth Navigator has a proven track record as a chartered accountant and business advisor for over 30 years.

In that time Wayne has worked with a large number of businesses including being the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) for two Australian businesses publicly listed on the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX).

Wayne has also worked with many small businesses as their Virtual CFO whilst they could not afford to employ a full time CFO.

Wayne Wanders

A while ago, one of Wayne’s clients was an investment property marketing company.  One of Wayne’s roles was to oversee the preparation of the projected retirement incomes of hundreds of typical Australian families.

What Wayne saw astounded him.

Time and time again, Wayne saw people still believing in the old ways.  Remember when all you needed to do was finish school, get a job, turn up to work, get the gold watch and enjoy the pension.

But this is no longer the case.  What Wayne found was that about 95% of the families would stop working on less than 25% of what they wanted.

Here were people who:

  • Thought because of superannuation that they would be alright when the time came to retire.
  • Were starting to financially assist their parents and thinking that they would not be the same burden on their kids.
  • Did not realise that their current lifestyle was seriously impacting on their retirement lifestyle.  Wayne saw many people whose mortgage was so large it would not be repaid by the time they wanted to retire.

This experience made Wayne realise that the system is rigged and most people are on the treadmill to work till they drop.

Here was Wayne, a kid from the western suburbs of Sydney with typical working class parents, who was in a now in a comfortable position with a house paid off, investment properties and a holiday house.

This role made Wayne realise:

  • that Wayne and his family were the exception, not the rule.
  • that Wayne could take they had done and help people get off the treadmill of working till they drop.

This is when Wayne made it his mission to use his personal experience and knowledge to help others to improve the health of their wealth so they can get off the treadmill of working till they drop.

That’s when Wayne wrote his book Avoid the Poverty Trap.

With no confusing jargon. the book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” shows strategies that you can action today to improve the health of your wealth so you can get off this treadmill.

Wayne presents me with methods that i could do today, to be pro active about my future nest egg, that will help me avoid retiring poor.  The great thing about what Wayne has written in this book is he not only shows me what i can do, but he has drawn from his own experiences, been pro active about his retirement and done the things that he has written in this book”

Andy Schoemaker

Key benefits of the Avoid the Poverty Trap book

The key benefits you will get from reading the “Avoid the Poverty Trap” book include:

  • Know if you are indeed heading straight for the Poverty Trap.
  • Understanding where you are today and how to work out where you really want to be.
  • Knowing the tips and tricks to beat the rigged system, avoid the poverty trap and improve the health of your wealth.  All so you can stop working when you want to.
  • Having a money mindset so that you don’t self-sabotage yourself.
  • Being able to manage your money so you have more money at the end of your month.
  • Growing your income by making your time (both inside and outside of work) worth more.
  • More time for you and your family as you break the habit of swapping your time for money and start to swap your money for time.
  • Making a positive difference in the world by being able to freely give your money and / or time.
Avoid the Poverty Trap
Avoid the Poverty Trap

“Avoid the Poverty Trap was the kick in the backside I needed to ensure my wife and I will have a secure and relaxed retirement. I really do think that this book has changed our lives …………. Also self sabotage was a big eye opener. I have done this my whole life”

Michael Garton

How do I get the book “Avoid the Poverty Trap”

Now my book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” normally sells for $34.95, but as a special bonus to you, you can get the physical book mailed direct to your letterbox anywhere in Australia book for FREE.

All I ask is that you pay $9.97 to help cover some of the postage and handling costs.

So, if you help cover some of the postage and handling, I will mail directly to your Australian letterbox, a FREE physical copy of my brand new book.

Simply click on the link below and you will be taken to a secure Paypal page and your copy of the book “Avoid the Poverty Trap” will be on its way to you shortly.

And I am going to make all of this risk free for you.  .  I am so confident that my book will help you avoid the poverty trap and get off the treadmill to work till you drop.  That I will guarantee it.

That’s right if you read my book and do not think it will help you to avoid the poverty trap and get off the treadmill to work till you drop, I will refund the $9.97 postage and handling fee, no questions asked.  Zero Risk.

And you can keep the book.

Contact Wayne


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Contact Information

Contact:  Wayne Wanders

Phone: +61 412 227 052

Email: wayne@avoidthepovertytrap.com.au

Address: PO Box 10 Epping NSW 1710 Australia

Do you and your family a favour and read Avoid the Poverty Trap today.

Wayne Wanders
The Wealth Navigator

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