The Best Investment You Will Ever Make

And NO it is NOT a get rich quick scam, I am not selling you anything.

All I am giving you what could be considered the best advice you will ever receive, and all I am asking for is a couple of minutes of your time.  Not a bad trade, for advice that could change your life.


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Get your FREE copy of my new book Avoid the Poverty Trap

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So what is the best investment you will ever make? Is it in shares, property, gold?

None of them!

The best investment you can make is in yourself. That’s right, you need to invest in yourself.

And there are two ways to invest in yourself.


The first one I want to talk about is your job, your career, your business.

Now if you have read my blog or watched my video on “want to get paid more”, you will realise that you get paid to solve other people’s problems.

So my question to you is this.

Are the problems we want solved today the same problems we had when you were at school?

I would suggest not.

There are jobs to day that didn’t exist when I was at school.  Things like technicians to repair bank ATM’s.  People to fix mobile phones.  People to install and fix WIFI systems.  And I am really showing my age here when I can still remember our first colour TV.

And there were other jobs that now seem to fallen away.  What about a public phone booth.  I remember when I was a kid going on holidays and having to queue up to use the public phone.  Who does that these days?  I just pull out the mobile phone.

How often do you see a public phone booth today? So how may repair technicians do they need now? Not many I would suggest.


So what would have happened to you if you were a public phone booth repair technician and did not learn for example how to fix a bank ATM?  Or to fix mobile phones or WIFI equipment?

You would probably be out of a job today.

So what would have been the best investment that public phone technician could have made 20 to 15 years ago?

It would have been to invest in their own education to learn new skills so that they could continue to be employed and get a pay cheque.

And anybody can do this.

This does not need to be going back to school or university.  It could just be a short course, some on the job training, some unpaid work experience.  You could have even asked your boss to pay for some of this.

All you needed to invest was time and possibly some money to learn these new skills.

And by doing this it would mean that the public phone technician would probably have a different job today, but they would still be employed and getting paid.

So how much is having a job for 10, 20 or even 30 years’ worth?  What other investment could they have made which would have given them the same or a better return?   I doubt there is any other investment you could make which would give you that return!

The second one I want to talk about is investing itself.   There is no way you can save you way to retirement.  So you need to invest.

But the question is what do you invest in?  Is it in shares, property, gold, or is it something else?

How do you know which is best for you?

How do you know you are not going to be scammed?  There are a lot of get rich quick schemes out there that only seem to make the promoter get rich quick and not the investor.

To do this you need to invest some time and possibly some money to understand what you are going to invest in.

I want to take an Albert Einstein quote here. “If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.”  And if you don’t understand it well enough, do not invest in it.

I personally prefer houses over shares, so I have spent a lot of time and money learning about the housing markets in several countries.  So I am happy to invest there. I do not invest in the share market currently, but if I spent the same amount of time learning the share market as I have done with housing, that would change.

Once again it does not need to be money.  It can just be your time.  Borrow a book for the library for example.  Search the Oracle of the Google.  Ask someone who invests in that area.

So my question to you is, how much is it worth not to lose your life savings in a scam or bad investment?

It has to be priceless as this can destroy people’s lives.

So is this advice you have ever heard from your bank, your financial planner, your accountant?

Probably not.

But can you now see why the best investment you can make is invest in your education to:

  • Learn new skills so that you can continue to get paid, (and possibly get paid more); and
  • Learn and understand about the investment choices you can make.


Now the last point I want to make is today you have learnt that the best investment is to invest in your own education.    But just knowing is not enough.

You need to take action.

So I want you to make a decision today about what education are you going to invest your time (and possibly some money in).

Now that you have done this, decide when you are going to do this.

Get your FREE copy of my new book Avoid the Poverty Trap

If you help cover some of the postage and handling, I will mail directly to your Australian letterbox, a FREE physical copy of my brand new book.

You will also get FREE silver membership to The Wealth Navigator Club.

Now I know that you keep your word, so I look forward to hearing more from you about how this investment has made your life better.  Email me at with how you went..

Wayne Wanders

The Wealth Navigator

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